Minggu, 17 Januari 2010
Shake it Off!!

In the UK, WAG Alex Gerrard is the company spokewoman and I'm a fan of hers too.
I just spotted one at Amazon for $19.99..I have to get it!
Watch the video to see where all the Shake Weight jokes stem from..it gets pretty funny at .40
shake weight
Kamis, 14 Januari 2010
I Guess it Really is the Future!

Wow! It seems like the newest trend in Hollywood is the alien look, as Heidi Montag spent nearly $30K to transform herself into Spock from Star Trek..What do you think of Heidi's Alien Porn Star Look?
Heidi Montag Plastic Surgery
Minggu, 03 Januari 2010
Dont be Afraid to be Great

For me, I had always dreamt of being the most fittest version of me I could be. As a big girl, I dreamed to have a slender body, of looking great in a bikini and of being healthy. But, as I would slim down & get fitter, I would feel attack all around. From so called friends, to family members and even from strangers. I guess jealousy is a hugely driving force in this society. It seems alot of people are constantly in a state of how can they attack others to make themselves look better.
I sometimes wonder if there is an epidemic of narsissism going around. After learning more about narsissicm, one tell tale sign of this disorder is that they cannot stand any challenge to their ego and will attack anyone who makes them somehow feel inadequate. They will even go so far as to make up lies about
who or whatever is challenging their ego. These lies can be absolutely insane how far fetched from reality they are. I'm not sure if they even believe the lies, but more important, is that other people believe the lies. Somehow this will let them continue to be the "star of the show".
When your surrounded by people like this, it makes you afraid to be the best version of you because you will be attacked. No normal person wants to be attacked, we want to be happy, to be loved, for everyone to get along. Personally, I would shrink back, give up my healthy ways, gain weight. It was easier for me to hide on the sidelines. Easier yes, but happier? No.
Now after so much time, I'm finally free to be me. I've had to let these people go from my life. Realizing that I had been afraid all along helped me to work on that fear, challenge it and become strong. Yes you might and probably will be attacked by some jealous person for whatever great thing you want to do or be, just accept it...it comes with the territory, with life I guess. But dont let that stop you. Be strong, be great, stand tall, go within yourself and find that strength. You dont have to please anyone, especially those who are only trying to hurt you. Keep going and be the greatest version of you ~ You deserve to have your dreams come true : )
narcissism, how to deal with narcissism, how to deal with jealous people, how to block out negativity, self help, weight loss, haters, jealousy, sports psychology